On Air Now Tom Cole Jnr 8:00pm - Midnight
Now Playing Bobby Darin Feeling Good

Privacy Policy

Sunshine 106.8 Privacy Statement

This Privacy Policy governs the way Sunshine 106.8 manages your personal information.

This policy applies to Sunshine 106.8’s website, social media platforms, email, post, SMS and WhatsApp only. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information that we process, intentionally or otherwise, how we process it, the purpose of processing your personal information, what we use it for, who we share it with and how long we retain it.

Sunshine 106.8’s treatment of your personal information is governed by;

  • The Irish Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018,
  • EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/79)
  • SI 336 (EU Privacy and Electronic Communications and Regulations) 2011

plus other national legislation,  a lot of respect and some common sense from the team at Sunshine 106.8


What Information Do We Collect from Listeners

During the course of our broadcasting you may send in your comments to us via; our website, SMS, WhatsApp, social media, email or post. This information you provide voluntarily when our presenters and broadcasters may prompt it or we have a competition running. 


The kind of information you will provide will, normally, be limited to your own personal identity and contact details, or enough information that some people would be able to identify you, and ancillary information such as your personal preferences or opinions (i.e. favourite or least favourite movie, musician, books or your opinion on current events in the news) or your hobbies, occupation and interests.

Certain information you provide to us voluntarily we would never reveal on air or to any third parties, such as your personal contact details – telephone number or email. We may however make known on air your social media handle, your name, where you are from, what your occupation is, or your current location that you voluntarily give us, but only where it is relevant.

The lawful basis for this processing of your personal information is covered by a broad exemption under the category of ‘journalism’ under the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018. However even though this exemption exists Sunshine 106.8 will still treat the personal data of our listeners with the utmost respect and securely and would never use, sell or rent it to any third parties.

When submitting personal data to us via our website, social media platforms, email, post, SMS and WhatsApp for the purpose of entering a competition sponsored by a third party (i.e. one of our commercial advertisers or partners) the lawful basis for this processing will be on consent.

You also may voluntarily sign up for our newsletter via the website. The only information you can provide this way is your name and your email address. We will only use this information for the purpose of sending you the stations newsletter. We also provide an additional and separate opt-in in if you would like to receive other commercial communications from us, which may include messages we send on behalf of third parties partners. We will not reveal your name or email address to these partners.

You have a right to make a request for a copy of the information we may have stored about you and you can also ask us to correct any erroneous information we may hold about you or the erasure of any personal information we have. To do this just send our data protection advisor an email directly to cillian@thedataprotectors.ie and we will respond to your request not later than one month.

You need to be 16 years or older to receive our newsletter.

The other type of personal information that we collect is non-identifiable personal information or aggregated information when you visit our website. When you visit our website  the following information is retained about that visit:

  • the IP address of the visitor’s web server;
  • the top-level domain name used (for example .ie, .com, .org, .net);
  • the previous website address from which the visitor reached us, including any search terms used;
  • Google analytics which shows the traffic of visitors around this web site (for example pages accessed and documents downloaded);
  • the type of web browser and operating system used by the website visitor.

Sunshine 106.8 will make no attempt to identify individual visitors, or to associate the technical details listed above with any individual. It is our policy to never disclose such technical information in respect of individual website visitors to any third party (apart from our internet service provider, which records such data on our behalf and which is bound by confidentiality provisions in this regard), unless obliged to disclose such information by law. The technical information will be used only by Sunshine 106.8, and only for statistical and other administrative purposes.

Why We Collect Personal Information

We collect personal information so that you can;

  • Comment on our radio programming be it related to the music, our on air discussions or your own miscellaneous personal information you have decided to share with us.
  • Enter competitions and so we can select entrants and determine winners.
  • Participate in our social media and website activities (such as submitting and/or recording videos, participating in blogs and posting comments and opinions).
  • Receive any newsletters or special offers when you opt-in to receive such information or offers.

We will only keep your information for the length of time that is necessary and only for the purpose you submit to us for (for instance, so long as necessary to administer the contest in a reasonable fashion). We are also bound by law in relation to the retention of records so for example if you won a high value prize in a competition we may be required to retain your personal information for Revenue inspection purposes. In addition we will hold  completion winners personal data for transparency purposes around competitions for a period that may extend beyond the redemption of the prize period.

What We Do With the Information We Collect

Any personal information you provide will be kept confidential and only used for the specific purposes it was collected for. We will not disclose or sell your personal information to any third party unless required by law or with your express consent. We may share this information with third parties who need such personal information to provide services on behalf of Sunshine 106.8.

However, these third parties are required to maintain the confidentiality of such personal information and are prohibited from using the personal information for any other purpose. For instance, by participating and entering contests, submitting videos and participating in discussion boards, you may have consented to the sharing of your personal information with co-sponsors of any contest or with any sponsor or third party participant providing services on our behalf on any discussion boards.

If the lawful basis for us processing is based on your consent you can withdraw that at any time and we will cease processing.

Links to other sites

Please note that although we may provide links to other sites, Sunshine 106.8 is in no way responsible for the privacy practices of these sites.


Sunshine 106.8 ensures that we have appropriate technical and managerial measures in place to protect your privacy and keep your information secure.

Further information and appeal process

If you would like to exercise any of your rights under the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 please contact our data protection advisor Cillian Mac Giollarnáth on  cillian@thedataprotectors.ie


If you wish to lodge a complaint in relation to our use of your personal information contact the Data Protection Commissioner at Locall 1890 252 231

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